Middlesex University Dubai UKPSF
Head and Founder, VRx Lab
Campus Programme Coordinator, MSc. Robotics
Senior Lecturer, Department of Computer Engineering and Informatics (CEI)
Middlesex University Dubai
Scroll through the entire portfolio, or use the table of contents to jump to a section directly.
Each section can be “hidden” or “revealed” by clicking on the tiny triangle to the left of every section title. I’ve done this to allow hiding any section you don’t want to see.
👈🏽👈🏽👈🏽 TRY IT OUT HERE! You see the triangle on the left, instead of a bullet point? CLICK ON IT. 👈🏽👈🏽👈🏽
Each section contains a “COOL HIGHLIGHT”. It is denoted by 🚨👇🏽 CAPTION-GOES-HERE 👇🏽🚨 Make sure to check those out!
Press Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + L to toggle between Dark and Light Mode, whichever you prefer. Try it now!
You will find a “Back to Top” button at the end of each section that will bring you back here.
Each image you see can be expanded. Just click on it to open a full-screen preview of it.
There are videos, podcast episodes and a Web-based VR simulation. Just click ‘Play’ to access them. The VR simulation presented in Evidence number 3 (HERE) is fully interactive, use the Arrow keys on your keyboard to move your character around. It’s quite fun! </aside>
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